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Japnaese Slang is informal language that is not in Kōjien (Japanese dictionary), even though Japanese people use in conversation and on the internet. Let's learn Japanese slang in this article.


Dota Can = (Dotanba Canceling)

T his slang means canceling at the last moment. Dotanba is the last moment when a Samurai makes a final decision. For example, if we're waiting for you to do something, but you say, "I give up! I do nothing!" 3 minutes before you do it, we can say to you, "Do you want to Dota-can?"

Reaju =(real jujitsu)

This jujitsu means enjoying your life in Japanese. "Real jujitsu" is "enjoying your life in world of reality". Can you guess the meaning of this word? Basically, we use it for negative situations. For example, you like anime, but you don't enjoy real life. You can say, "I like this cartoon, but I'm not Reaju."


This word comes from the onomatopoeia of the noisy sound, "gayagaya." Gaya means a person who makes noise to appeal his presence to everyone. Sometimes they shout to everybody without reason.

Gakureki filtering

Gakureki means "academic background" in Japanese. This means changing your attitude toward another person based on their academic background.

Sazaesan Syndrome

Sazaesan is one of the comedic anime that keep being broadcasted at 7pm, Sunday over a long period of history. This syndrome make us feel depressed when we watch this anime because Sunday is almost over.

Shachiku mind

At first, Shachiku is a company slave in Japanese, and this word is combining two words: "Sha" means "Company" and "Chiku" means "raising livestock." The meaning of Shachiku mind is a person who does anything the company boss wants.

Gakureki filtering

Gakureki means "academic background" in Japanese. This means changing your attitude toward another person based on their academic background.

Rekijo = (Rekishi girl)

Rekishi means history in Japanese. Can you guess the meaning of the word "history girl"? This word means the girl who loves specific samurai in several hundred years ago. They know lots of information and knowledge about specific samurai like Otaku.

In chara = (Inki character)

Inki means negative things in Japanese. "Inki Character" means a person who thinks and says negative things all the time, a person who don't have a positive mind.

Owa con = (Owatta contents)

Owatta means "things that have already finished" in Japanese. "Owatta contents" means contents which most people aren't curious about anymore. It's out of style, outdated contents. Owacon include film, anime, website, any kind of content in the world.

loca chi Megrui = (Location Megrui)

If you like watching films, you'd like to visit filming locations. This means "visit filming locations." But, it is not only films, but also anime and cartoons. For example,"I visit Aichi prefecture to see the filming location for Totoro film."


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